Friday, February 17, 2006

Winter Olympics XX (Part 5)

So, I hate to admit this, but as an Olympic Junkie I must: the U.S.A. is not nearly as impressive as they have been made out to be. And I am not referring to the fact that this year's team is over-hyped as the 'best ever,' or that we are projected to win the most medals of any U.S. team, but to the fact that without sports made recently popular by the U.S., we'd be a bunch of pathetic losers right now. Look back over the past four or five Winter Games at all the new sports that have been added and what you will find is that they are all sports dominated by U.S. teams, for the most part. Of course there are exceptions, but the snowboarding events, the moguls, aerials, women's hockey. Without these recently added bonuses, where would we be? Pathetic, that's where. Thank goodness we have enough clout to push such progressive sports into the media mainstream, I guess. So congratulations to our own Seth Wescott on winning the inaugural Snow Board Cross event, but isn't it sad that we have to resort to adding sports just so we can win? Can't we find SOME way to compete with everyone else in the traditional winter sports? Please!