Monday, October 27, 2008

American politics, ugh.

“In my country, we have two parties. The stupid party, of which I am a member, and the evil party, which we oppose vehemently. Sometimes my party wins, in which case we get lots of stupid legislation. Sometimes the other party wins, in which case we get lots of evil legislation. Occasionally, the parties act together in what we call 'bipartisanship,' in which case we get legislation which is both evil and stupid.”


I don't know who came up with that, but I'd like to kiss them right on the mouth. Our beloved presidential candidates who care so much about our country are spending more than a BILLION dollars combined to get themselves elected. The audacity of WHAT?! Obama will collect somewhere in the neighborhood of $700 million by election day. (He raked in $150 in September alone! Meanwhile, approximately eighty-seven thousand children starved to death in the same month. Uh, Senator...) McCain, meanwhile, is way behind with a measly $400-or-so million. And you'd better believe they'll use it. Of course, there'll be a little left over, I'm sure, to retire on if they need it. (It pays to be a candidate, or did you actually think Governor Palin was going to return that $200,000 wardrobe for which the Republican Party recently paid? Your financial contributions at work.)

And here I was thinking that the economy was in trouble. Apparently not. Apparently there are a myriad of Mavriholics and Obamunists out there who have plenty of disposable income available to give. If only we could convince them to give to something worthwhile...