Monday, March 08, 2010

XXI Winter Games IV

A couple final notes on the Vancouver 2010 games, which ended over a week ago.

A. I am in withdrawal.
B. Although the summer games are incredible, my true love is for the winter sports.
C. Wang Meng, as dominant as she is, and she's arguably the single most dominant athlete in the world when compared to the rest of her sport, does NOT belong in the pantheon of the greatness occupied by people like Gretzky, Jordan, Tiger Woods and Shawn White. Those men transformed their sports, Meng is incredibly dominant, but hasn't transformed the game. Courses were altered for White and Woods. Teams changed their entire strategy to deal with Gretzky, and Jordan brought basketball to the world with his skill and popularity. Meng, who might be more successful than all of them, comparatively speaking, hasn't changed short-track at all.
D. China is set to become a global superpower in athletics. Don't be surprised if they win more medals at London 2012 than they did in Beijing 2008. They're leveraging their home-games success quite nicely. Sports is an opiate for the masses?! NO WAY! (Duh.)