Monday, February 27, 2006

Order of Servoce

It may be exceedingly trivial, but I've decided to include the Order of Service from the church services in which I participate. If there is a discrepancy between the OS given here and that listed in various church bulletins it is because I have modified this listing to reflect what actually happened, not what was planned. Here's yesterday's services.

First Baptist Church, Duenweg, MO. (AM Service)

Sunday School Report
Welcome & Announcements
Hymn: O Worship the King (#16 in The Baptist Hymnal)
Invocation & Scripture
Hymn: Heavenly Sunlight (#424 in The Baptist Hymnal)
Hymn: Speak to My Heart (#281 in The Baptist Hymnal)
Worship with Tithes & Offerings
Special Music: Eddie & Glenda Smith
Children's Church: Penny March
Message: Jon Smith

First Baptist Church, Duenweg, MO. (PM Service)
Opening Hymn: He Keeps Me Singing (#425 in The Baptist Hymnal)
Hymn: Heavenly Sunlight (#424 in The Baptist Hymnal)
Hymn: Make Me a Channel of Blessing (#564 in The Baptist Hymnal)
Message: Jon Smith