Monday, September 04, 2006

Labor Day at Lake Eufaula


We spent the last four days down at Lake Eufaula for the Trask Family weekend. Of course, 'Trask Family' has been redefined now to include all the in-laws, several outlaws and even me. A few memories: Angie Douthit falling in the Lake. Catching loads of crappie, daily. Watching Dick Potts' dock swarm with everyone under 20 trying to catch fish, and usually succeeding. Aunt Bobbie throwing her first attempt at Hillbilly Horseshoes into the aerial on top of Dick and Teats' house. Uncle Rod's bacon (it was good). My first attempt to smoke crappie and catfish (it wasn't good). Sitting around on Sunday as everyone with a talent of any kind performed, like it or not, in the 'church' service. The Old Farts kicking the tar out of the Young Punks at beach volleyball, where old age and treachery beat youth and skill once again.

Angie in the lake.

Alyssa and a happy puppy.

Nate's first catfish!

A few of the younger crowd at the party, from left to right: Kaylee Douthit, Ryan Trask, Matt, Aaron Trask, Shelby, KC Trask, Nikki Trask, Tim, Whitney Douthit, McKenzie Douthit, Channing.

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