Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Prayer Frog

So, last night before going to sleep, Mandi and I took a moment to pray together, which, BTW, is a habit common to strong Christian relationships. Anyway, before praying we were talking about our relationship and came to the realization that we don’t laugh together nearly as often as we used to. Of course, we could have spent several hours psychoanalyzing this unhappy trend, but it was late and we were tired, so we decided just to pray about it. Our prayer, just before curling up to sleep was that God would help us to laugh more.

I KID YOU NOT, within 5 minutes, as I was in that odd stage between awake and asleep, I felt a wet PLOP! on my face. Now, I don’t know about you, but I personally do not have a fondness for wet PLOP! at any hour, let alone the moment I am nearly asleep. Perhaps your different. If so, your are a freak. Get used to it. Anyway, a moment after feeling the wet PLOP! land on my back I also felt it begin to move. Then, with reflexes and coordination that would make an Olympic athlete jealous I did three things simultaneously. First, I efficiently informed my wife through a gentle scream, that something was amiss. Second, I reached up, grabbed the PLOP! and hurled it across the bed. Third, I began fumbling for the lamp next to the bed. After a moment of fumbling I reached the switch, and in that same moment I felt another PLOP!, this time on my back. I froze. The PLOP! moved. I turned on the switch and urgently asked Mandi what was on me.


MANDI: A frog.


MANDI (giggling): There’s a frog on your back.


MANDI (Handing me the frog, and out right laughing now): Here. Don’t hurt it.

I dropped the frog. Then I chased it halfway across our bedroom. By the time I had it, we were both laughing. I left it outside on the back porch.

How did a tree frog happen to be in our bedroom? I have no idea. Does God answer prayer? You’d better believe it.

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