Friday, August 25, 2006

Devo VII: Risk for God

We risk for him to the degree that we know we are loved by him. (Brennan Manning)

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son... (Jesus)

Based on the level of commitment I see in most Christians, I'd say we have a hard time believing that God really does love us. I mean, if we really bought that whole 'unconditional love' thing, we'd all be radical for Jesus, but we aren't. Most of us are so insecure in our faith you'd have a hard time guessing we were Christians in the first place, or that we'd had a God experience so magnificent that it changed our lives forever. We look, smell and sound just like the world. And if that's how we're going to play out the rest of our lives, why did Jesus bother coming at all? Every Christian is living every moment in the intimate presence of God. That should make us dangerous to the world; a threat to the darkness. How dangerous are you?

To live dangerously is not to live recklessly, but righteously. And it is because of God's radical grace for us that we can risk living a life of radical obedience to Him. (Steve Camp)