Tuesday, November 04, 2008

He's just a regular guy, people!

I voted this morning, but to be honest, I didn't vote for either McCain or Obama. So I'm really not trying to influence who anyone votes for or make a political statement one way or the other about either of the two major party candidates. While piddling about the internet I stumbled across these posters, however, and I do have to say that they really caught my attention. Why? Because I've seen way to many Obama supporters who have elevated him as a candidate not based on merit, but because they bought the hype that he's going to change everything tomorrow, and we'll all have better jobs and insurance and world peace will break out instantly, poverty will end overnight, adult illiteracy will stop now, and dogs and cats will get along and I won't have to pay my mortgage anymore and magic fairies will take out the trash for me every week! Hallelujah! Amen and amen!

Gimme a break! Honestly. I don' care who you vote for, but at least have the common sense to understand that Barak Obama is just another man. On the upside he's thoughtful, intelligent, and charismatic. And I LOVE that he's there at the end of every single one of his ads that I've seen. Good or bad, "I'm Barak Obama and I approved this message." There's an element of integrity to that which is seriously lacking on the Republican side who's ads are backed by various political action committees and private interest groups, but rarely by McCain himself. (Of course, I can only speak from my experience here. It is possible that this argument would be entirely undermined by a greater sampling of political ads on both sides, although I'm pretty sure the surgeon general would agree that that would be bad for my health.) Anywho, on the downside, Mr. Obama is given to questionable judgment in who he associates with, makes outrageous claims he can't possibly back up, is determined to undermine Biblical marriage and thinks its okay to kill babies before they're born. Now, given that we already have a strongly democratic senate and congress, I expect that the nation will change pretty radically in the near future. But not because Obama walk on water. His pooh stinks like everyone else's. And the change he represents isn't necessarily for the good.

Anyway... I don't want this to be an anti-Obama diatribe, I just wish his followers would be a little less blinded by the glitz and glam of his 750 BILION dollar campaign. I could just as easily hash the McCain campaign for entirely different reasons. It just so happens that I didn't stumble across any really cool anti-McCain posters.

When will we wake up to our desperate need for stronger third party voting?