Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Devo VI

"I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the place of slavery." Exodus 20:2

If God spoke to you today would he need to remind you of all the things He's done for you? Statistics show that most Americans can't name more than 2 of the 10 commandments! How many can you name? When was the last time you read them? In this preface to the 10 commandments, God found it necessary to not only state his name, but to give the Israelites a quick 'perspective check,' Before giving them further instruction, He clarified his recent accomplishments for the people of Israel. I find that fascinating. After only a few years God had to remind Israel of the slavery they endured and the source of their freedom. I'd say that's pretty pathetic, but then again, I myself occasionally need reminded of where I'd be without Christ in my life. Although He freed me from slavery to sin and gave me hope for a new and abundant life, I sometimes need a 'perspective check' myself.