Saturday, March 11, 2006

Blood Drive

So yesterday we held a blood drive here at the Baptist Student Center. Working with the American Red Cross, over the course of 7 hours we managed to collect 32 pints of Dracula's favorite drink. We also had at least 7 people attempt to give, but get denied for one reason or another, mostly anemia. Ladies, please, eat your vitamins!

Anyway, I was the first donor of the day, and I have to tell you that no matter how many times I donate I will always detest doing it. From the annoyingly painful finger prick to the iodine bath of your elbow to the sight of your life flowing through a tube across your arm into a little bag, I HATE GIVING BLOOD. The problem is that I'm not sure how to out from under the moral obligation to donate. I mean, each donation has the potential to save three lives. Three. Lives. That's three people that might die without the help of people willing to open a vein for them. If you knew you could save someone's life, but didn't do it, not because you have a disease, or low iron or a fear of needles, but just because you don'e like giving blood, would that make you a pathetic weasel, or worse, a sinner? Having the ability and opportunity to give a renewable resource, something that cost you no more than a prick of the needle and fifteen minutes of your life, to someone who would otherwise die, and failing to give that gift... It smacks of cowardice, and fear and pathetic weaseliness to me. It smells like ducking a moral obligation, which the Bible calls 'SIN'.

I don't know. Clearly, there are holes in the argument, but the fact remains that my gift might save a life or three. And if Jesus was willing to bleed for me on the cross, in a much more painful and humiliaing context, shouldn't I be willing to suffer a pinch for others? He bled for me, how could I dare not bleed for others. My life is not my own.

"You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body." (1 Corinthians 6:19b) Is there anything more glorifying than giving of my life for the sake of others? Hmm... guess I'm stuck with it.

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