Monday, June 27, 2005

Letters to the Editor: World Magazine

The following is a letter to the editor of World Magazine submitted June 27 and in response to several recent articles therein...
'Ignorance is bliss,' as the saying goes, and it seems as though state institutions of higher learning leave college students closer to that euphoric condition every year. In my ministry to students at Indiana University I am daily shocked at the ill-conceived and unbiblical worldviews held even by the evangelicals on campus. Christians taught in public universities are experiencing the systematic erosion of their faith, and worse, they seem numb to it. Like a frog in a kettle they don't realize the danger they're in until they've lost that which they once claimed dear. Daily their faith is undermined by well-meaning professors and graduate assistants using the bully pulpit of the university classroom to teach art, science and values from secularist, or worse, deistic perspectives. (Deism is the Novocain of the university culture. Christian students are soothed by the 'presence' of God it offers even as they are spitted on the moral fork of tolerance intolerant of their faith and diversity exclusive of Jesus Christ.)

The vast majority of college graduates attended state universities. That is not likely to change. And there are campus ministers at virtually all of those schools dedicated to offering spiritual shelter in the hurricane of unbiblical dogma foisted off as moral virtue. Yet we, the Body of Christ, are failing miserably to feed the flock at their hour of greatest intellectual need.

That is why I enjoy World Magazine so much. I sincerely hope that the students to whom I minister realize the value of a news source willing to demonstrate Christian values across the broad spectrum of issues that comprise modern life. My only criticism of your publication is that it isn't often read by those who need it most: collegians.