Monday, February 22, 2010

XXI Winter Olympic Games II

A few more personal thoughts on the 21st Winter Olympiad...

7) Ski Cross. Loooooser. I love skiing, truly I do, but this is the first (and hopefully last) time we've seen this one at the Olympics and it's a real stinker. Snow Cross is a two-thumbs up awesome event, but just because it works on a snowboard doesn't mean it should be done with skis. Like the X-games' new "High Air" event, it begs to be cancelled.

8) Yeah, those South Koreans are still running their mouths and still backing it up. Dang!

9) This is the sloppiest television coverage I've ever seen at an Olympics. Seriously. Yesterday they spliced in an interview during the Men's Super Combined that featured a graphic of the final results. OOPS! Hope you weren't watching that... And the announcers apparently all took stupid pills before flying in to Vancouver. I say that because at nearly every venue I've seen they make incredibly dumb remarks that make me wonder if they're watching the same competition.

10) Doubles luge. Seriously?

11) You have to love Bode Miller. Even HE admits he's a tub of goo. The guy is totally out of shape (for an Olympian) and he STILL has three medals in three events. Rarely do you wonder if an athlete will have a heart attack during an event, but Bode makes you wonder. AND, although his lackadaisical attitude was really awful in Torino, he's cleaned up his act enough to be downright cool.

12) Kudos to Johnny Spillane AND Todd Lodwick for giving the United States real respectibility in the Nordic Combined. Spillane's silver is our first EVER medal in the event, Lodwick's fourth shows it wasn't a fluke. These guys are legit!

13) Simon Ammann, you are da' man! Guy can't jump out of a paper sack for eight years... eight years between double Olympic golds! And now he'll fade back into nothing, at least until Sochi 2014.