Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The Supremacy of Theology in Christian Living.

Theology. There is nothing more significant in the Christian life. Yet I hear an entire generation of young believers pooh poohing the importance of it. They are reckless, and ignorant, and dangerous. When forced to actually listen to it in a sermon that emphasizes sound doctrine, they often complain. A typical comment I read recently said, "I will go on under the impression that if I am in the word, if I am caring for the needs of others, and if I live to glorify God in what I do, that God will use me." (It saddened me to realize that it was the concluding remark of a particularly honest debate of a relevant theological issue.) This after a backhanded slap at those who choose the serious endeavor of a seminary education.

Let us not forget that the Holy Spirit used the ivory tower to reveal and develop most of the theology we take blithely for granted. We MUST exercise caution. The most dangerous zealots and cults in Christendom all say, "I'm just gonna do what the Bible says," without spending the time to understand the faith they claim. Let us not forget that Jehovah's Witnesses "believe what the Bible says," and Mormons, "Believe what the Bible says." Branch Davidians (David Koresh), People's Temple (Jim Jones), and Christian Science Church (Mary Baker Eddy) are all examples of 'Christian teaching' that one is powerless to refute if one's deepest theological inklings are limited to 'I believe what the Bible says.'

I'm worn out by this generation that is so desperate for authentic Christian living that it shuns authentic Christian thinking. Their passion for doing good works is unparalleled, but so is their desire to leave behind the modern church. "Love God, hate the church?" Is a remarkably successful marketing strategy because not since the Mayflower landed has a group of Americans been so quick to leave behind the past in an effort to change the future. My deepest fear is that they will succeed.

In their mad rush to reclaim theology (what theology even they can't articulate) and create a new church, they neglect the hard-earned lessons of two-thousand years of solid Christian thinking. It is as if they believe that they and they alone have a clear understanding of the person and work of the Holy Spirit (which they haven't actually studied, but read a cool verse about last week!) They would like to begin anew with orthopraxy, instead of orthodoxy, not realizing that to do so is not only impractical, but foolish.

They speak of tolerance, spoon-fed to them from birth by a liberal-secular establishment bent on erasing moral boundaries at all costs, as if it was the only value that mattered. They view it as essential to true Christian Living. Sadly, they fail completely to understand how devilishly simple the trap is that they spring on themselves when they believe such drivel. Tolerance? Tolerance of what? Poor fashion sense? Bad driving? Taxes? Smoking? Drug abuse? Homosexuality? Religious opinion? Adultery? Child-molestation? Poverty? Murder? War? Where do we draw the line? Without THEOLOGY, no one knows. But to this generation, that doesn't seem to be important. What is important to them is that we all just get along. (Conveniently ignoring the fact that seven billion autonomous individuals aren't likely to do so without rigid enforcement: Tolerance Police!) They claim that tolerance is somehow related to love and respect, and they fear above all else that they will be labeled 'judgmental,' and they are willing to compromise Truth to prove it.

Theology is the framework though which we define God. And you can cringe at the idea that anyone as frail as a human being would attempt to define God, but that ignores the fact that we do it all the time AND WERE CREATED TO DO SO!

"Jesus is Lord." Say it, and you have defined God.

"God is omniscient." Say it, and you have defined God.

"God is not omniscient." Say it, and you have defined God.

"Lord, help me, please." Pray it, and you have revealed to us all that you are guilty of defining God as one who has the power to A) Hear prayer, B) Understand your plea, and C) Respond.

Theology, to put it personally, is your attempt to comprehend God. And it is that understanding that will frame the way you live your life. Perhaps we should stop whining and start thinking and talking and debating theology. After all, we all have an opinion of God, an idea, an understanding, a definition... a theology. And wouldn't it be nice if that theology was grounded in reality, truth, logic?

Shall we (the followers of Jesus) elevate 'tolerance' to the status of moral virtue? Tough question. A question with real theological implications. The Bible may be shallow enough for the smallest child to swim in, but it is deep enough to drown an Olympic swimmer as well. In the words of Philip Yancey, "“We dare not confine theology to seminary coffee shops where professors and students play mental badminton. It affects all of us.” This generation is bent on the elevation of 'Christian living.' What is "Christian living" if not applied theology? As for me, "I just believe what the Bible says."