Tuesday, January 08, 2008

BBWAA and the HOF

Yeah, today is the New Hampshire primary, and that should probably concern me more, but since I don't live there, can't vote there, and know that results aren't in yet, I'm going to write about Major League Baseball instead. Actually, I'm going to write about the Baseball Writers Association of America. You see, this year they voted Goose Gossage into the Hall of Fame, which was good. A smart choice. But they made it fairly clear that they're planning on keeping Mark McGwire out, which is just ignorant. More writers voted for Tim Raines than Mark McGwire? I'm sorry, but that is ridiculous. Stupid. They seem bent on proving that in America you are guilty until proven innocent. Now that the Mitchell report is out I suppose they'll vote against Sammy Sosa, Barry Bonds, Roger Clemens and any other Major Leaguer unfortunate enough to be born in the 1960's. As with Bonds, there is not one single piece of evidence proving that McGwire did 'roids, other than personal testimony a former teammate or trainer, but hey, idiots, don't a lack of hard evidence stop you! 'Roids or not, McGwire and Sosa, put the game back on the national map. By themselves. In amazing, inspiring, heart-warming fashion. Their single season and career accomplishments are unquestionably first-ballot worthy. Now, however, their HOF fate is in the hands of a group of men who couldn't hit a fastball with a tennis raquet. Probably never could. Its almost as if they (the writers) want the game to diminish.

At the end of the day, there is no physical evidence that McGwire did steroids. Not one used needle, not one wadded up receipt, not one empty vial. Only his word that he did not, and someone else's that he did. The whole thing boils down to a lot of finger pointing, and the BBWAA have apparently decided that anyone caught up in the court of public opinion must be banished from the Hall before they get there. Asinine! (That means "utterly stupid" for you BBWAA members who might somehow stumble upon this). SHAME ON YOU! You seemed so much more intelligent before you voted.

Hey, if I accused Peter Gammons of using steroids, do you think they'd take his vote away? Gosh, wouldn't that feel good?!