Thursday, November 29, 2007

Million Dollar Ideas I won't pursue

Occassionally you come up with a million dollar idea. We all do. Much more rarely, you actually do something about it. Here are a couple that actually came from my genius wife...

  1. Cherry flavored Niquil sno-cones. Parents drug their kids all the time. When one of our twins was having trouble sleeping at night our doctor actually TOLD us to use sudafed to know him out. This way you could do it without playing the dreaded 'medicine' card. Incidently, I personally think the same idea could be applied to Bon-Bons for adults.
  2. A full-body glazer. While watching the doughnuts at Krispy Kreme go through the glaze bath Mandi realized that if you could do that to an actual person, husbands everywhere would be eternally grateful... (Hey, it was her idea! I just wanted a doughnut.)
  3. Stimplants. This is basically a twist on the whole shock-collars-for-kids idea. If you're into Star Wars, think of the restraining bolts on droids. The idea is to implant a device under the skin that would enable parents at the touch of a button to give their kids a small jolt of electric discipline. I mean, we're almost at the point now where we're going to implant locator chips so they can't get abducted, so why not just add a little upgrade? (This last one is mine, not Mandi's.)