Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Letters to the Editor: World Magazine

So, I submitted an editorial to World Magazine a while back, and today I found out that it was actually published! (Vol. 20 No. 29, July 30, 2005) This is definitely the high point of my writing career. Here's the original article. Its an interesting piece on Moralistic Therapeutic Deism. Here's my response. Of course, this is the edited version (published under the heading 'Cultural Novocain'), for the full submission, see my June 27 blog entry.

In my ministry to students at Indiana University, I am daily shocked at the
ill-conceived and unbiblical worldviews held even by the evangelicals on
campus. Christians taught in public universities are experiencing the
systematic erosion of their faith and, worse, they seem numb to it. Deism
is the Novocain of the university culture. Christian students are soothed
by the "presence" of God even as they are spitted on the moral fork of a
tolerance that is intolerant of their faith.