Tuesday, August 23, 2005


(Oriniginally published 12/7/2004 at www.iuchallenge.org)

I just want it to be known to the world that I love my family. I have a
beautiful, caring, considerate wife and the three greatest kids in the world. My
family is so great that I often shake my head (literally, I do) in wonder at
what kind of cosmic lottery I must have won to get such a great life.

I remember on the day of our wedding (February 1, 1997) that during the
toast my best man said that when my wife (Mandi) and I look back on the love we
had at that moment, it would seem like we had a foundation of peanut butter with
which to start our life together. Now, almost eight years later, I can say
unequivocally that he was right. Our relationship has not been perfect (mostly
my fault), but it is infinitely stronger now than it was back then. We have
lived in three states, had three kids, three jobs and five homes. And although
our marriage has never been in real trouble, it has not always been easy. What
is the source of our strength and stability? Jesus Christ. If I can ever pass on
one piece of advice to my children (Alyssa 5, Nate and Anna 3) it is that apart
from Christ, you have nothing real, just the illusion of a reality beyond your

I love my wife. I love my kids. I love them to the absolute best of my
abilities, but Christ loved them long before I ever knew them. And my love,
compared to his, is a foundation of peanut butter.


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