Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Devo VIII: On Evil

"Then the LORD said to Job, 'Will the faultfinder cintend with the Almighty? Let him who reproves God answer it.'
Then Job answered the LORD and said, 'Behold, I am insignificant; what can I reply to You?"
Job 40:1-3

Everywhere I turn lately, I am confronted with evil. It's presence has been felt in the ministry God has entrust to me, in the lives of those around me, and most significantly within my own family. Its touch seems everywhere. And the more I am confronted with it, the more I am convinced of the need for a sovereign God, the more I understand how absolutely critical it is to have a working knowledge and relationship with that God. The time to work out the Problem of Evil is not after it arrives in our lives, but beforehand. We cannot wait until our child has been molested, or the cancer is diagnosed, or our loved one is struck down by some tragic accident of man or nature. No, we must not wait! We must act now. The time to batten down the hatches is before the storm. The time to study is before the test. How many of us procrastinate, then flounder and fail when evil comes.

Job's God, the God of Abraham, and Isaac, and Jesus, was sovereign. And it is only in that sovereignty that comfort comes. Yes, He knew evil would happen, but He also knew that it was for the best. No, I don't understand how, but I don't need to either. Do I want to? Of course. I want to scream and curse and shake my fist at fate as much as any man. But I don't because, unlike any man, I DO know Him who is the Almighty, and I trust Him no matter what.

Blessed is the person who understands that we must trust God's heart whn we
cannot understand His hand; blessed is the person who knows that we must stand
in awe in the presence of the mystery of God's purposes. Blessed is the
person who keeps on believing no matter what. Blessed is the person who
lets God be God.-Erwin Lutzer