Thursday, July 07, 2005

Moving from Bloomington

I am swiftly losing my mind. Between dealing with the realtor in Bloomington, the realtor in Joplin, the moving company, the mortage company, the insurance company and all the other pieces of the transition puzzle, I am about ready to shoot someone. Not that anything is going horribly wrong, yet... I am just tired of dealing with it all. Waiting for phone calls, sending faxes, tracking down last year's tax returns, etc., etc., etc., is driving me crazy. The latest headache: the independent inspection on our Bloomington home. I've never met the man, but he has to be the most anal retentive human being on the face of the earth. NOTHING on this house is below code, but according to Mr. Grumpy Pants we have 10 repairs to make. I called the builder, James Baird, and although he's very understanding of the nature of the concerns, even he sees the petty and at times errant nature of some of the flagged items. For instance, although we live on top of a hill, the inspector flagged us for not having adequate drainage. WHAT A CROCK! We have perhaps the best drainage in the entire city of Bloominton! Anyway, the frustration is mounting, but God is ultimately in control. THAT is the only key fact in all this. He knew we'd get those ten flags. He knew we'd have trouble getting the house closed in time to move. He knew all the problems we're experiencing before they we knew we'd be moving. And, truthfully, as anxious as we are about it all, nothing major has happened. There aren't any large or insurmountable issues we're facing. Its just the cumulative weight of all the little stuff... God is good. He is in charge. That is enough.