Monday, March 28, 2005

Evil-ution I

Evolution v. Creation, the ultimate debate... Of course, being an intelligent human being, I recognize that bias is part and parcel of either side of the debate. Being a Christian with a brain, I further recognize that both sides have serious problems and ought to stop calling one another names and start talking about the issues. That not being really likely to happen, I will occassionally include a few tidbits herein that pertain to my side, the Christian side, of the debate. Yes, a number of people (mostly Christians) will disagree and say something indefensible like, "evolution and the Bible don't disagree," but they are wrong. Fortunately, Jesus won't keep anyone out of heaven based on whether or not they got their cosmology right.

So, here's the latest installment from Charles Colson as published in Christianity today... "Verdict that Demands Evidence."

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